Seeing a clinical psychologist to understand and change entrenched patterns, habits or relationship choices can be the most loving thing we can do for ourselves and others.
The commitment to re-condition our mind and impulses can be essential if we want to recover the sense of choosing the life we live, not being a bystander and watching ourselves play out patterns based on conditioning.
We often did not receive a completed emotional education due to the generational transfer of coping strategies aimed at survival and protection but not thriving and fulfilling the purpose we inherently have in each of us.
We can all do better than we are currently doing while also having compassion for ourselves and our past selves as we shed old conditioning and step into what we all feel deep down is a better way.
Don’t accept the message of struggle.
Yes, the human condition must be accepted. We will have loss, we will have suffering, we will share the world with those that harm.
But there is also goodness, rightness, humanitarian power and love and a discipline of living without parachutes and loving without armor.
That is the most worthwhile thing to fight for in the world.
Be part of the tide of change that no longer wants to accept the world as it is, and that human nature is inherently flawed. We are both.
We are capable of great and harm. We can walk each other into a better world if we wake up one by one to our own harmful or self-limiting behaviours and commit to hold each other to better account with a passion for living and loving well.
Without corrosive criticism and a sense of judgement we can look at all the things needing work within ourselves. If we feel safe to acknowledge and express these things that we hold in our shadow, then we will have to the courage and support to outgrow them.
Change the person, change the world. If we all became responsible for our patterns and choices and care for our self as well as others we would have a better world. It’s that big. It’s that simple.
Be part of the change. Be part of the solution by becoming all that you know you can be.